• Boost Productivity

    Struggling to stay focused on your tasks? Procastinatr helps you regain control by blocking distracting websites and apps, allowing you to concentrate on what matters most. Achieve your goals faster and more efficiently with our intuitive tool designed to keep procrastination at bay.

  • Improve Time Management

    Feeling overwhelmed by your to-do list? With Procastinatr, you can allocate specific times for deep work, ensuring you dedicate uninterrupted periods to your most important projects. Enhance your time management skills and watch your productivity soar as you tackle tasks with newfound discipline.

  • Enhance Work-Life Balance

    Want to disconnect from work and enjoy personal time? Notion Stop helps you set boundaries by scheduling breaks and blocking work-related distractions after hours. Achieve a healthier work-life balance and enjoy more quality time doing the things you love, without the guilt of unfinished tasks.